Centre for Education Development
Aleje Ujazdowskie 28
00-478 Warszawa
The Centre for Education Development (CED) was established on 1 January 2010, as the result of merger of National In-Service Teacher Training Centre and Methodological Centre of Psychological-Pedagogical Counselling. CED is a national teacher training institution.
The purpose of the Center is to undertake and implement activities to improve the quality of education in accordance with the state education policy in the field of general education and upbringing, and in accordancewith the changes introduced in the education system.
Director’s office:
Acting Director: Marzenna Habib phone number: +48 /22/ 345 37 21
Deputy Director: Tomasz Madej phone number: +48 /22/ 345 37 22
Deputy Director: Grażyna Wiśniewska phone number: +48 /22/ 345 37 22
Deputy Director: Stanisław Zubek phone number: +48 /22/ 345 37 23
Organizational units carrying out statutory tasks:
- Department for Innovation and Development
- Section for Reading and Media Education
- Department for Resocialization and Sociotherapy
- Department for Special Educational Needs
- Section for Special Educational Resources
- Department for Education and Prevention
- Section for Health Promotion in Schools
- Department for Diagnosis and Cooperation with Psychological and Pedagogical Counselling Centres
- Section for Psychological and Pedagogical Diagnosis Project
- Section for School Supporting Project
- Department for Key Competences Development
- Section for Language Competences and Cultural Awarenes
- Section for Math and Science Competences
- Section for ICT Competences
- Department for Social and Civic Competences Development
- Section for History and Social Values Education
- Section for Legal and Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
- Projects Department
- Project section for Management of Education at Regional Level
- Section for Pre-service and In-service Teacher Training Schools Project
- Section for Leadership Project
- Section for E-textbooks Project
- Section for 2nd level Intermediary Institution
- Department of Education Supervision
- Department for Labour Market Education
- Section for Partnership Project
- Department for Educational and Vocational Counselling
- Section for Vocational Counselling Project
- Department for Supporting Vocational Education
Other organisational units
- Department for Finances an Accounting
- Human Resources Section
- Legal Counselling Section
- Administrative Department
- Section for Technical and Maintenance Support
- Section for Contracts and Public Procurement
- Department for Resource Dissemination
- Section for Social Communication
- Section for ICT
- Publications Department
- Chief Accountant
- Commissioner for the Protection of Classified Information
- Data Security Administrator
- Specialist for Planning and Management Control
- Sulejówek Training Center
Address for correspondence
Centre for Education Development
Aleje Ujazdowskie 28
00-478 Warsaw
Phone number: +48 (0-22) 345 37 00
Fax number: +48 (0-22) 345 37 70
e-mail: sekretariat@ore.edu.pl